Big Backyard Update

We are excited to share a unique opportunity to reduce the debt on Seminary’s beloved Big Backyard.

The Seminary Family is enjoying the blessings of this space—a place where students, families, and friends gather to cheer on good sportsmanship and our Lutheran values.

The Matching Funds Campaign: Double Your Impact

From now through homecoming on September 27, every dollar donated will be matched, up to $50,000, effectively doubling the impact of your generosity. This is a powerful way to multiply your support and help us eliminate the remaining debt on the Big Backyard, allowing the foundation to provide more assistance to MLS where it’s needed most.

Reducing the debt on the Big Backyard is about more than just finances; it’s about freeing resources to further God’s work at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might participate in this Matching Funds Campaign. Whether your gift is large or small, it will be doubled, making a significant difference in our efforts to retire the debt. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to a debt-free Big Backyard.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and partnership in this shared mission.