Did You Hear the News?

A matching funds gift is available to help retire the debt on the Big Backyard project.


MLS Foundation (Michigan Lutheran Seminary Foundation)

Supporting Christian Education at all Levels

The MLS Foundation was established in 2001 as a public charity to assist high school students financially as they train for the public ministry. 

The MLS Foundation also assists students by funding special programs and projects, underwriting non-budgeted items for the school, supporting international cross-cultural programs, providing financial aid to MLS students, and providing college scholarships to Martin Luther College. All donations are tax deductible under the IRS code.

Contact Us Today

What We Do

Host Events That Promote the MLS Family Spirit

Events include the Homecoming Tailgate Party, the Cardinal Classic Golf Outing, and the Dinner & Auction.


Offer Alumni & Friends Ways to Support MLS

There are many ways in which you can help support the students of Michigan Lutheran Seminary.


Provide Support to Advance the Mission of MLS

You can view a timeline of recent projects that have been completed at MLS by clicking the button below.



Help us fund special projects, special items for MLS, cross-cultural programs, tuition assistance, scholarships to MLC, and more!

Support Us

ALUMNI: Please Update Your Information

Please take a minute to update your information with the MLS Foundation so your classmates can send you reunion information!

Contact Information